Saturday, March 28, 2009
Day in the Life
Anyways, in case you're's a look at the day in the life of Brent Metcalf. (Compliments of ESPN.)
Still Recovering from NCAAs
For a full article, click here.
Check out my full coverage photo slideshows:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
If you missed missed out

Caldwell is the most unclassy winner I've ever seen. I'm all about jubilation at the end of a match. As a photographer, I only hope for the jubilant shot and often find myself irritated when wrestlers show no emotion after a win. Caldwell, however, was demonstrating an unnecessary celebration, which started too early.
In case you missed it, with seconds remaining on the clock Caldwell took off from Metcalf and performed a roundoff back tuck- an impressive move by a cheerleader. Metcalf, the animal who he is, took off after him - clearly hoping for a final takedown and any chance to gain a sudden victory over the cocky North Carolina State grappler. As Caldwell transitions from roundoff to his back tuck - Metcalf reaches him and his hands are placed on Caldwell - just enough to discombobulate Caldwell's form, and send him to the ground.
Boos filled the arena, as I stared through my lens, wondering if what I had just seen was real. I shook my head and looked at the score...sure enough - our champion had lost.
People say Metcalf is at fault for going after the tumbler. Do you blame him though? He appeared to be legit going for a takedown when there was still time on the clock. But it was only seconds - which made it questionable. Had I been up there wrestling, I woulda ran after him for not only a takedown...but probably a punch in the face. Metcalf turned from him after the "push". He proceeded to shake his hand, without a word. And then jogged off the stage in defeat.
Moments later it was announced that one point would be deducted from Iowa's team score because of Metcalf's unsportsmanlike conduct. Unsportsmanlike conduct?? He was merely going for a final takedown at the end of the match. It's not his fault Caldwell was taking the roll of a cheerleader. A cheerleader for himself.
In case you missed it:
Metcalf Loses But Iowa Wins...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Iowa Basketball Team Lacks Support
10th seed Iowa plays in the Big Ten Tournament against Michigan at 1:30 p.m. today in Indianapolis. But Denison said she has more important things to do like study, sleep or get drunk. And she isn't alone with that mentality. Other students have class, work or plan to leave the Iowa City area early for spring break.
"I've got a lot of stuff to do," UI freshman Mason Wiekert said, noting that his schedule does not allot time for a team whose 5-13 in the Big Ten, even though it is his school.
"If they were doing well," Wiekert said. "I would make an effort to watch it."
Even with the record, UI sophomore Trevor Asmussen made it to the Purdue game this year, so he wouldn't say they're an unworthy team to watch.
"It's [the season] had its ups and downs. They're a young team so there's building to do there," he said. But Asmussen, like many other UI students, doesn't plan on watching the game either.
"I didn't even know there was a game today," Asmussen said, walking away in his gray Iowa shirt, embraced inside a black jacket with an embossed Hawkeye on the front and Iowa shorts to complete his attire.
Although many students walk around campus wearing the Hawkeye emblem proudly, that doesn't necessarily mean they're boasting their team or supporting the players.
UI senior Brendan Stiles works as the sports editor for The Daily Iowan, and thinks some people might be deterred from the game because of the time of day. He picks up the front page sports section of today's edition which poses a five column headline bridging over a four column photo of Cyrus Tate and two articles on today's game. He shakes his head, not knowing how students don't know about the game.
"Apparently there's no Iowa basketball fans," Stiles said, surprised with the lack of interest in today's game. "I think the people who have been paying attention to the team know that they've been close in every game. It hasn't been a bunch of blow outs."
Whether they have fans watching or not, Iowa will compete with the 9-9 Wolverines for a shot against Illinois tomorrow night.
"That's the beauty of sports," Stiles said. "You don't know what's going to happen."
Emily Denison
Dain Whitacre
Mason Wiekert
Trevor Asmussen
Brendan Stiles
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Blog Challenge - Top 5 Craziest Wrestling Parents
Here's the top five craziest wrestling parents I could find on youtube. Some of the kids are pretty young...and you wonder how they can stand parents like these. I'm curious if anyone has ever experienced having parents like this. And if so, how did you deal?
5. The video's not the greatest, but props to the kid who has to listen to his mother during the whole match.
4. This wrestling mama clearly knows her game. Too bad we can't see the action from the front.
3. I'm not sure this mom knows what she's talking about...but she's got a big mouth.
2. This mom has ants in her pants.
1. And above all, the father who always has to get involved.
What do you think Iowa wrestlers' parents are like? Do you think Brent Metcalf's father went around throwing wrestlers off him when he was a kid?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Big Ten Wrestling Finals: LIVE from my couch
Hwt. Dan Erekson is up against Kyle Massey (WI)
No. 1 vs. No. 3 seed
No. 18 vs. No. 7
Erekson gets on top pretty early in the first quarter for two points in a takedown.
Erekson's going to keep Massey downa nd he's definitely gaining riding time on him.
Second period starts and Erekson takes the bottom. Escape Erekson - one point.
Erekson gets a takedown - 2 points.
I'd call this a day - Erekson is clearly dominating over Massey and Massey's not doing anything about it.
With the beginning of the third period, Erekson has a 6 point advantage including his over 2:00 in riding time. There's no way Massey can catch him in riding time now. Massey is still on the bottom. The only way he could pull this off is to somehow flip him on his back. But the control that Erekson's got....not likely.
Massey did just get an escape though. I don't think one point on the scoreboard's going to do it for him though.
Massey tried to shoot but nope, takedown Erekson.
Escape massey
Holy crap, Erekson's got him almost on his shoulders. But Massey pulls through and Erekson wins the bout 10-2.
184-pounder Phillip Keddy is up against Jake Herbert (Northwestern)
No. 3 vs. No. 1
Early on Herbert and Keddy both look like animals going after the takedown.
Two points for Herbert after a takedown.
Two more points for Herbert - takedown.
Keddy is struggling underneath. Herbert bodyslams Keddy. And Keddy jumps up on his feet.
Dang, Herbert is body-handling Keddy...but Keddy is still fighting.
End of first period and the sweat is just pouring from Keddy's face.
Seriously, Keddy looks like he just stepped out of the shower.
And he did, escape Keddy for one point.
I wonder how Herbert can even hold on to Keddy, he is seriously dripping.
Third period.
It would be huge if Keddy somehow got control of this guy and layed him on his back.
Herbert is bleeding. When I was in high school, a lot of times the breaks would come for the guys who were wusses and needed a break. Herbert pointed out the blood dripping. But I don't know that I'd still go as far to call him a wuss.
Escape Herbert.
OH Jeez. Keddy is trying to hold on. He's Holding on, holding on. And no points.
Announcers are saying Keddy's got a tank on his back. And he does.
Keddy goes for the takedown...He's got his leg...Herbert is now in a front hurdler position - which is a great cheerleading jump by the way.
Keddy has 30 seconds and he's down 5-1. Herbert's tired but Keddy's still going after him.
Keddy goes for the takedown but Herbert gets on top for 2 points.
And Herbert takes the victory - 8-1 with riding time.
So I had to go to a meeting at 3:00 for work. I DVRed the final two matches though - so here is live for me. Only this time, I'm in the recliner.
165-pounder Ryan Morningstar is up against Andrew Howe (WI)
No. 3 seed vs. No. 1 seed
Morningstar needs to shoot.
Wow entertaining first points. Lame.
Morningstar's underneath so he should at least get an escape here.
ONE point Morningstar - Escape. At least he's got a one point advantage here. But to be considered a Big Ten Wrestling Champion he needs to do something here.
Howe's circling around him...but Morningstar pulls out.
Third Period.
I wonder what Morningstar is thinking right now. Howe just escaped for one so the two are tied.
Howe has Morningstar's leg but Morningstar keeps the other one out of reach and no points are scored. Tied at the end of the third and we're going into overtime. Morningstar has advantage but the two are back on their feet.
Morningstar is on top and needs to holdon because as of now Howe has the riding time advantage. Do not let your leg get caught or you are going to get a reversal.
Howe's out and has an escape.
Morningstar has eight seconds riding time advantage and he doesn't come out of it and then he lets it go. That was lame.
Morningstar loses to Howe in overtime, 2-1.
149-pounder Brent Metcalf is up against Bubba Jenkins (Penn)
No. 1 vs. No. 2
Both are undefeated this season.
I've got my box of chocolate chip cookies to get through this match.
Metcalf knocks Jenkins on his back and I think it's over...but they are out of bounds.
TWO points for Metcalf -takedown!
Jenkins does not look like he came here knowing who he was wrestling.
ONE point for Jenkins - Escape
There goes Jenkins doorag...who wears those during wrestling matches anyways?
HOLY CRAP...Metcalf has Jenkins on his back after a takedown...and he is just looking at the ref to slap the mat.
Lucky for JEnkins time on the clock runs out on the first quarter.
Metcalf is a stud.
ONE point escape for Metcalf.
It's 7-1 by the way.
TWO points for Metcalf - takedown
Metcalf shows no sign of being tired...Jenkins how ever is sprawled out flat underneath him.
Metcalf is like an animal...he's devouring this guy like he's his prey. HOLY SHIT!!!
That is a pin for Metcalf!
Iowa has four wrestlers in the final round of the Big Ten Wrestling Championship. As a team, Iowa leads with 124 points, with Illinois as the closest trailor at 104.5.
Going to the Finals are Brent Metcalf, Ryan Morningstar, Phillip Keddy and Dan Erekson.
Nine of Iowa's wrestlers advanced to the semifinals yesterday - only Ballweg at 157 didn't make it in.
Semifinal results:
125 — (3) Angel Escobedo (IN) dec. (2) Charlie Falck (I), 4-0
133 — (5) Reece Humphrey (OSU) dec. (1) Daniel Dennis (I), 5-2
141 — (2) Kyle Russell (M) dec. (3) Alex Tsirtsis (I), 8-6 TB
149 — (1) Brent Metcalf (I) major dec. (4) Kyle Rushcell (W), 16-4
165 — (3) Ryan Morningstar (I) dec. (2) Colt Sponseller (OSU), 2-1 TB2
174 — (3) Quentin Wright (PSU) dec. (2) Jay Borschel (I), 11-10
184 — (3) Phillip Keddy (I) dec. (2) Mike Pucillo (OSU), 5-2 TB
197 — (2) Tyrel Todd (M) major dec. (3) Chad Beatty (I), 12-2
HWT — (1) Dan Erekson (I) dec. (4) John Wise (IL), 6-4
To read about yesterday's sessions click here for The Daily Iowan coverage.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wrestlers' Perspective
( Daily Iowan video feature )
Video in QuickTime format, click here for free player download
Big Ten Brackets - Session 1
Iowa's session one looks like this:
125 - Charlie Falck (2) vs. Mike Watts (7) MI
133 - Daniel Dennis (1) vs. Carson Beebe (8) PU
141 - Alex Tsirtsis (3) BYE
149 - Brent Metcalf (1) vs. David Cheeza MSU
157 - Matt Ballweg vs. Ben Jordan (8) WI
165 - Ryan Morningstar (3) BYE
174 - Jay Borschel (2) vs. Travis Rutt WI
184 - Phil Keddy (3) vs. Jack Decker PSU
197 - Chad Beatty (3) BYE
Hwt. - Dan Erekson (1) vs. Alan ODonnell (MSU)
(Numbers represent seeds.)
Big Ten Championship
Some of you may have heard the rumor that former 133 pounder Joe Slaton might be filling in for 157 pounder Matt Ballweg. I talked with DI wrestling beat reporter Ryan Young about this rumor - who informed me that it was all speculations. He asked Brands about bringing backups and Brands said "Those extra bodies are more for support role and warm-ups,” adding, “We know who our 10 guys are.”
So no Slaton there. But check back later for the brackets.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
2009 Big Ten Preliminary Seeds
125 lbs.
1. Brandon Precin, NU
2. Charlie Falck, IOWA
3. Angel Escobedo, IND
4. Brad Pataky, PSU
5. Zachary Sanders, MINN
6. Nikko Triggas, OSU
7. Michael Watts, MICH
8. Bernard Futrell, ILL
133 lbs.
1. Daniel Dennis, IOWA
2. Franklin Gomez, MSU
3. James Kennedy, ILL
4. Jayson Ness, MINN
5. Reece Humphrey, OSU
6. Jake Strayer, PSU
7. Zac Stevens, MICH
8. Carson Beebe, PUR
141 lbs.
1. Zach Tanelli, WIS
2. Kellen Russell, MICH
3. Alex Tsirtsis, IOWA
4. Mike Thorn, MINN
5. J Jaggers, OSU
6. Keith Sulzer, NU
7. Ryan Prater, ILL
8. Andrae Hernandez, IND
149 lbs.
1. Brent Metcalf, IOWA
2. Bubba Jenkins, PSU
3. Lance Palmer, OSU
4. Kyle Ruschell, WIS
5. Jake Patacsil, PUR
6. Andrew Nadhir, NU
7. Nick Walpole, IND
8. Eric Terrazas, ILL
157 lbs.
1. Michael Poeta, ILL
2. Jason Welch, NU
3. Kurt Kinser, IND
4. Tyler Safratowich, MINN
5. Jason Johnstone, OSU
6. Aaron Hynes, MICH
7. Anthony Jones, MSU
8. Ben Jordan, WIS
165 lbs.
1. Andrew Howe, WIS
2. Colt Sponselier, OSU
3. Ryan Morningstar, IOWA
4. Roger Smith-Bergsrud, ILL
5. Luke Manuel, PUR
6. Dan Villamont, PSU
7. Paul Young, IND
8. Rex Kendle, MSU
174 lbs.
1. Steve Luke, MICH
2. Jay Borschel, IOWA
3. Quentin Wright, PSU
4. Dave Rella, OSU
5. John Dergo, ILL
6. Trevor Perry, IND
7. Robert Kellogg, NU
8. Ian Hinton, MSU
184 lbs.
1. Jake Herbert, NU
2. Mike Pucillo, OSU
3. Phillip Keddy, IOWA
4. Jordan Blanton, ILL
5. A.J. Kissel, PUR
6. Anthony Biondo, MICH
7. Nick Palmieri, MSU
8. Eric Bugenhagen, WIS
197 lbs.
1. Dallas Herbst, WIS
2. Tyrel Todd, MICH
3. Chad Beatty, IOWA
4. Gordon Bierschenk, MINN
5. Patrick Bond, ILL
6. Matt Powless, IND
7. Logan Brown, PUR
8. John Schoen, NU
1. Dan Erekson, IOWA
2. Ben Berhow, MINN
3. Kyle Massey, WIS
4. John Wise, ILL
5. Nate Everhart, IND
6. Corey Morrison, OSU
7. Edwin Phillips, MICH
8. Chris Kasten, PUR
For more information on the Hawkeye seedings visit: