In case you missed the heart-shaped pizza advertisements on TV, the aisles of boxed chocolates in every store or the enormous stuffed animals with oversized lips hanging off the shelves, Valentine's Day is in two days.
That's the day after Iowa faces no. 25 Purdue. And the day before they host no. 11 Minnesota.
I'm not so sure it's fair to have a holiday like V-Day during wrestling season for a number of reasons. If you're dating a wrestler, here's some things to think about.
First of all, chances are he's going to be crabby. I dated a wrestler in high school and learned that life is much easier if you don't talk to him when he loses, when he's trying to maintain weight or when his coach has been harpin' on him. In fact, during the season you'll feel like the relationship is going well if you're not communicating at all - especially with Big Tens and NCAAs just around the corner. So throwing a lovey dovey holiday in the midst of it all...ugh.
Secondly, most people on V-Day go out to eat or have a romantic dinner. That's like a slap in the face. How can you go out to eat when you're trying to maintain weight? Especially for the Iowa boys who have to turn around and make weight on Sunday when they host the "boarder brawls."
If he won on the road this past weekend you might get lucky with a dozen long stem roses. But what are you going to buy him? A box of chocolates? Another slap in the face.
If he loses against a Purdue opponent on Friday - you might as well forget that Saturday even exists because chances are Valentine's Day will be the last thing on his mind.
And if he does win on Friday, you don't want him to be too soft for Sunday.
Really, you can't win. Unless of course your boy is Brent Metcalf, who is 25-0 for the season and on a 5-pin winning streak. Then I'd say, just keep him away from the chocolates.
If you think about it though, V-Day is just an excuse for flowershops to jack up prices and women to test men on their ability to surprise.
So don't feel too bad if he's only concerned about beating the 25th and 11th ranked teams this weekend.
Now, it let's me comment. That photo caption is hilarious! This Valentine's Day, I bet Brent Metcalf uses his girlfriend to prepare for Minnesota's Joe Grygelko.